Tpronunciation is designed by Web International Changsha Branch ourselves and it is right to the weak point which make the pronunciation of many Chinese students cannot pronounce well, it consists of Vowels Consonant, etc. Every IB&TH pronunciation starts from month shaping and tongue placing. Read the word, read the tongue twister, we will help you to speak right;For B & LI students, we focus on how to speak local and Queen’s English.
韦博厦门中心内部开发的课程之一,采用实用的教学方法,每堂课针对中国学生的发音弱点来进行教学,并且针对不同级别的学员开发出了相应的不同的教材。对 IB&TH学员每一课从基础的发音口型,舌位开始说起,到单词的精读,到趣味的演练,不知不觉中纠正中国学生常年累计的发音错误,达到说标准英语 的目的。对B&LI学员除了科学的练习发音之外,更加强调了英语语音中的连读,爆破等地道的发音技巧的教授以及实战的演练,让学生真正达到说标准 地道的英语的目的。