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【环球时报】Marking down the schools

品牌: 华狮汉韵国际汉语教师职业能力高级研修班
单人学费: 面议
课程日期: 自学员付款之日起 3
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-04-13 09:31
浏览次数: 420
  • 华东师范大学继续教育学院
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  • 地址西康路1255号普陀科技大厦4楼F12(靠近长寿路)
    The Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) course at East China Normal University is one of the two programs authorized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters nationwide. The Confucius Institute is a government supported non-profit educational organization that promotes Chinese language and culture internationally. By the end of 2013 there were more than 400 centers in 120 countries catering for 850,000 registered students.


In theory the graduates of these two specific Confucius Institute programs are the only people qualified to teach at the institutes throughout the world. In recent years it has been producing 200 or so native Chinese teachers annually and, according to training center staff member Han Kai, the number is on the rise.


These would-be teachers, most in their thirties  or forties, pay 7,800 yuan ($1,286.2) for the course and diploma exam. They take 130 classes starting with Teaching Basicswhich focuses on contemporary Chinese grammar before moving to cover language teaching theories and phonetics, vocabulary, characters and grammar.


With these qualifications teachers can apply for positions in places like Shanghais Foreign WivesChinese Salon, a charity classroom the university established for a foreign wivesclub in Lujiazui in 2009. Graduates can undertake internships at the salons weekly classes and gain practical experience.


One of the current interns is Jiang Ying, a former investment banker who quit her job to become involved in something she really liked. After completing the TCSOL course and interning at the Foreign WivesChinese Salon for six months, Jiang Ying became a Chinese teacher at the International Office of the Shanghai University of Engineering Science last year.


Many of the most promising TCSOL students, like Jiang Ying, find employment in the international colleges of local universities (often through the recommendations of the universitys training center) and teach overseas undergraduates studying for degrees or on exchange most of their students are from Korea. They receive about 60 70 yuan for a 45-minute session. Most of the others work at international schools and teach children from American, European, and Singaporean families. They are likely to get 200 300 yuan an hour.


Another TCSOL graduate Huang Qiong now teaches several students and likes to integrate interactive activities into the classes students are asked to make their own audio and video presentations in Chinese and then watch and critique them together. She believes the traditional form or learning by rote works well. From my early days teaching I realized that learning a language is a process of repetition,


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